Launch CI Online

It is possible to launch CI and CI Player 4.0/5.0 directly via CI-Launch-Link, which is a standard URL:

Open CSML Models Online

One or model CSML models available on some website can be opened by adding their URL to the CI-Launch-Link as model parameter. See the example below:

CI-Launch-Link Options

Beside model the CI-Launch-Link supports the options: xmx, antialias, mode. Multiple options should be separated with &, e.g. antialias=on&xmx=256.

Name Allowed Value Default Description
model URL or filepath The URL or filepath of the file to be opened. It is possible to specify multiple model parameters separated with &
antialias on or off Switches on/off the antialias option in the launched CI application. When this option is not given, CI starts with its current setting.
mode GN or BP If GN then CI launches in gene network mode. If BP then CI launches in bio-pathway (Petri net) mode. When this option is not given, CI starts with its current setting. This option applies to CI version 4.0 only. It is ignored in version 5.0.
viewmode NONE, VIEW, EDIT, EDIT_NETWORK, SIMULATION, ALL, CUSTOM Specifies the default label view mode for the launched CI application. When this option is not given, CI starts with its current setting. This option applies to CI version 5.0 only. It is ignored in version 4.0.
user String The username that will be used for the login when CI application is launched for the first time. If CI was already started and the user logged in successfully, then this this options is ignored.
xmx Integer 512 The value specifies the maximum memory in MB of the launched application. In 32-bit machine, the maximum value can be 1400. In 64-bit machine, the maximum value is almost unlimited.

Mirror Servers

The above links refer to the main server at: To start CI from a mirror server, e.g., replace the domain in the above links:


The CI Player links will work for all users, since CI Player can be started without registration. To run CI, the user must have a valid account on the selected server. Thus the CI links will work for registered users only.